The Biotech & Healthcare IT Blog

Monday, September 27, 2004

Your patient wait may be at an end: telemedicine says the E-doctor is in

Your patient wait may be at an end: telemedicine says the E-doctor is in: "THE doctors' waiting room is stuffy, the receptionist frosty and the appointments are running unbelievably late.

You've already dragged yourself across town in lashing rain to get there for a simple, routine test. Flustered, annoyed, you're wishing there was a simpler way.

Yet already scores of patients are finding routine health checks don't have to mean raised stress levels, long journeys and endless waiting for the receptionist to announce: 'The doctor will see you now.'

Because for them - and their doctors - the age of telemedicine and e-health has already dawned.

Whether it's choosing our appointment times over the internet or carrying out our own routine tests at home and sending the results down the phone line or perhaps being diagnosed by a doctor in another city or even being treated by a consultant in a different country, advances in communication technology are gradually changing the way we are treated. "


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